About IESO

Brief Introduction to the IESO 2024, Beijing, China

Social Program

Beijing’s Transportation Routes, Cultural Landscapes


Registration Information and Assistance


Schedule and Event Details for IESO 2024

News & Information

Beijing: Where Time-Honored Tradition Meets Dynamic Modernity

Beijing, the pulsating capital of China, stands as a majestic testament to the country’s storied past and its bold leap into the future.

This sprawling metropolis is a treasure trove of cultural heritage, with its age-old alleyways, known as hutongs, and iconic landmarks like the Forbidden City and the Temple of Heaven, where emperors once walked.

“I sincerely hope all students participating in IESO 2024 cherish this invaluable opportunity. Let’s explore the mysteries of our planet together and contribute to future scientific research. Pursue your dreams with courage, continually challenge yourselves, and believe that you can be the one who will change the world.”


Welcome to IESO 2024


Over 200 volunteers and more than 100 staff members are dedicated to nurturing your Olympiad journey.


Renowned experts in various Earth Science disciplines from around the world ensure the professionalism and fairness of IESO 2024.


24/7 support is provided to facilitate your Olympiad experience, hoping you enjoy your journey through Earth Science.

Enjoy your IESO 2024 journey!

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