IGEO-GYM & IUGS “Young Reporter” Award

As we all know, IESO is only a tool for promoting Earth Science Education (ESE) in schools. Starting this year, we will use a significant resource in our hands: our students.

The IESO event brings together bright and ES-enthusiastic youngsters from many countries. In IESO24, we intend to target these passionate youngsters and engage them to promote ESE in their countries through the following two events, which are optional:

International Geoscience Education Grassroots Youth Movement (IGEO-GYM):

This IESO event brings together bright, earth science (ES)-enthusiastic youngsters from different countries. These ES passionate youngsters can contribute to promoting ES education in schools of their respective countries. We will launch the International Geoscience Youth Movement (GYM) to promote ESE in schools during IESO 2024.

Those students who would like to promote ESE in their countries are invited to take part in establishing this international ES youth movement.

This optional event will be held on the first day (after dinner) where the students will discuss strategies and tactics for promoting ESE in schools.

The IUGS “Young Reporter” Award:

This activity is again optional, but all IESO24 participants are invited to participate in it. All the details about how to prepare a report and whom to send it to are in the attached file.

Students who will send a report will be certified as IUGS Young Reporters. In addition, the IUGS team will select the 10 best reporters. The 10 best reporters will be asked to send a second report. They will present their reports during IESO24, and the top three reporters will receive the IUGS Award.

Consultation email: rshankargeo@gmail.com

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